// COD: Cold War / CA COD: Cold War Cheat Cheat is undetected. Supported CPU: Intel, AMD Supported OS: Windows 10, Windows 11 - 1903(18362), 1909(18363), 2004(19041), 20H2 (19042), 21H1(19043), 21H2(19044), 21H2 BUILD 22000 Supported game modes: Windowed Publisher: Treyarch $3.00 1 day $12 2 week $21 1 month Buy! // Features Work in progress! The actual cheat may have more features than displayed below. We will do our best to update it fully in the near future. Aimbot Automatically aim at your enemies. Enable aimbot Priority type Smoothness guidance Control radius Fov (Угол обзора Distance Bullet flight time Bone selection Key selection Character ESP See all players etc. through walls. Including important information. Name Health Distance Line 2D Box Skeleton Size line skeleton Backlight distance Additional distance Shot Prediction Radar Radar Enable radar Size Position by X Position by Y Alpha Backlight distance Zombi Zombi God mode Instant kill Freeze ammo TP all zombies to me Distance to me