The Cycle Frontier /
Ring - 1

The Cycle Frontier Cheat
Cheat is
- Supported CPU: Intel only! (AMD not supported)
- Supported OS: Windows 10, Windows 11
- Supported Anti-Cheat(s): BattlEye
- Publisher: Yager
Automatically aim at your enemies.- Highly configurable!
- Aim hotkey
- Field-of-view
- Aim smoothing
- Target selector
- Lock target
- Switch target delay after kill
- Draw crosshair
- Show snaplines
- Visibility checks
- Aim at specific bone
- Silent Aim
- Option to skip npc's
Character ESP
See all players etc. through walls. Including important information.- Highly configurable!
- Battlemode
- Max render distance
- Max healthbar render distance
- Max name render distance
- Max info render distance
- Healthbar position
- Healthbar style
- Border style
- Visibility checks
- Max bones render distance
- Bone style
- Players
- Draw weapon in info
- Npc's
- Draw border based on tier
Easily spot enemies surrounding you with the 2D Radar.- Highly configurable!
- Show enemies
- Show friendly
- Color
Loot ESP
See all lootable items through walls.- Battlemode
- Proximity
- Fov
- Item filter
- Filter by rarity
- Common
- Uncommon
- Rare
- Epic
- Legendary
- Filter by types
- All
- Ability
- Ammo
- Badge
- Bag
- Blueprint
- Collectable
- Consumable
- Currency
- Device
- Experience
- Helmet
- Key
- Lore
- Material
- Melee Weapon
- Mod
- Misc
- Passive Generator
- Quarter
- Quest Item
- Shield
- Tech Tree
- Upgrade
- Vanity
- Vehicle
Object ESP
See all objects through walls. Including important information.- Highly configurable!
- Battlemode
- Max render distance
- Max name render distance
- Max info render distance
- Objects
- Evac ship
- Extraction
- Loot container
Miscellaneous features.- Battlemode
- Npc
- Render target line
- Weapon
- No recoil
- No spread
- Player
- Infinite stamina
- Camera
- Disable fog